Vu, V.Q. (2018)
Computational Sufficiency, Reflection Groups, and Generalized Lasso Penalties.
Vu, V.Q. (2018)
Group Invariance and Computational Sufficiency.
Vu, V.Q. and Lei, J. (2019+).
Squared-norm Empirical Process in Banach Space.
Statistics & Probability Letters, to appear.
Castellanos, L., Vu, V.Q., Perel, S., Schwartz, A.B., Kass, R.E. (2015).
A Multivariate Gaussian Process Factor Model for Hand Shape During Reach-to-Grasp Movements.
Statistica Sinica.
Lei, J. and Vu, V.Q. (2015).
Sparsistency and Agnostic Inference in Sparse PCA.
Annals of Statistics, Vol. 43(1): 299–322.
Vu, V.Q., Cho, J., Lei, J., and Rohe, K. (2013).
Fantope Projection and Selection: A near-optimal convex relaxation of Sparse PCA.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 26.
Vu, V.Q. and Lei, J. (2013).
Minimax Sparse Principal Subspace Estimation in High Dimensions.
Annals of Statistics, Vol. 41(6): 2905–2947.
Vu, V.Q. and Lei, J. (2012).
Minimax Rates of Estimation for Sparse PCA in High Dimensions.
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 15. Best Paper Award.
Vu, V.Q., Ravikumar, P., Naselaris, T., Kay, K., Gallant, J., and Yu, B. (2011).
Encoding and Decoding V1 fMRI Responses to Natural Images with Sparse Nonparametric Models.
Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol. 5(2B): 1159–1182.
Vu, V.Q., Yu, B., and Kass, R.E. (2009).
Some statistical issues in estimating information in neural spike trains.
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
Ravikumar, P., Vu, V.Q., Yu, B., Naselaris, T., Kay, K., and Gallant, J. (2009).
Nonparametric sparse hierarchical models describe V1 fMRI responses to natural images.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 21.
Vu, V.Q., Yu, B., and Kass, R.E. (2009).
Information In The Non-Stationary Case.
Neural Computation, 21:688–703.
Vu, V.Q., Yu, B., and Kass, R.E. (2007).
Coverage Adjusted Entropy Estimation.
Statistics in Medicine Vol. 26(21): 4039–4060.
Yah, G., Cuellar, L., Eidenbenz, S., Flores, H., Hengartner, H., Vu, V.Q. (2007).
Bluetooth Worm Propagation: Mobility Pattern Matters!. ASIACCS '07: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM symposium on Information, computer and communications security.
Vu, V.Q. (2009).
High-Dimensional Estimation and Data Analysis: Entropy and Regularized Regression.
University of California, Berkeley.